A-Level Results Day 2024: What Time Will Your Results Be Available?

The morning of Thursday, August 15th, marks a pivotal moment for hundreds of students across the South East. It’s the day their AS, A-level, and T-level results are released—a day filled with both anticipation and anxiety. For many, the outcome could open the door to university celebrations, while for others, it may lead to difficult decisions and a rethinking of future plans. Some will turn to clearing, a process that connects students with university courses still available, whether they’re adjusting their plans due to unexpected results or capitalizing on better-than-expected grades.

At the University for the Creative Arts (UCA), recruitment officer Megan Burnage-Isherwood highlights clearing as a welcoming and supportive experience. According to her, the process is a straightforward conversation about grades and study preferences. She assures students that no question is too small and encourages anyone with uncertainties to call and explore their options. Stephen Bull, now a fourth-year student at UCA, remembers feeling unsure about university. After finishing his A-levels, he changed his mind and applied for a BA in Film Production through clearing. He now reflects on clearing as a valuable opportunity for those still finding their way, noting that it’s led him to incredible experiences, including international film projects.

The University of Brighton is also gearing up for clearing, with around 100 staff and students ready to assist on results day. The university’s director of marketing, Elizabeth Sanz, emphasizes the supportive atmosphere, noting that the team understands the emotional intensity of this time. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, more students have utilized clearing, and Brighton’s staff are prepared to help navigate this path.

But clearing isn’t the only route. For students like Sydney Miller from Maidstone, Kent, apprenticeships offer a viable alternative to university. Miller, who studied construction, design planning, and surveying, has already secured a degree apprenticeship with engineering contractor Gallagher Group. For her, the traditional university route didn’t feel right, and she’s excited about the future this alternative path offers.

As results day unfolds, students have a range of options before them—from securing university places through clearing to exploring alternative educational routes like apprenticeships. The key is that opportunities are still available, no matter where their journey takes them next.

When are A-Level results released in 2024?

A-Level results for 2024 will be released on Thursday, August 15th. Students can typically access their results online from early morning.

What are T-Levels and when will the results be available?

T-Levels are new technical qualifications aimed at providing students with skills for specific industries. Results for T-Levels in 2024 will also be released on August 15th.

When are GCSE results released in 2024?

GCSE results for 2024 will be released on Thursday, August 22nd. Students can collect their results from their schools or access them online.

What should I do if I didn’t get the A-Level grades I hoped for?

If your A-Level results are not as expected, consider using clearing to find available university places or explore alternative options like apprenticeships or further education courses.

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