In a tragic and shocking event, a pilot has lost their life after a helicopter crashed into the roof of a hotel in Cairns, Australia, during an early morning flight that authorities have labeled as “unauthorized.” The incident occurred at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel at approximately 1:50 a.m. local time on Monday, igniting a fire and prompting the evacuation of hundreds of guests.
The helicopter, which belonged to Nautilus Aviation, struck the hotel roof, leading to the immediate death of the pilot—the aircraft sole occupant. Two hotel guests, an elderly man and woman, were transported to the hospital, where they remain in stable condition.
Eyewitness accounts reveal that the helicopter was flying at an unusually low altitude in poor weather conditions, with some suggesting it may have been stolen. Amanda Kay, a hotel guest, described the aircraft flying dangerously low without lights before it circled back and collided with the building. The impact was so severe that two of the rotor blades detached, one landing on the esplanade and the other in the hotel pool.
The aftermath of the crash left the hotel in disarray. Caitlin Dennings, a spokesperson for Queensland Ambulance Service, recounted reports from guests who described the explosion as sounding like a bomb. Alastair Salmon, a tourist from London, was among the 400 evacuees and recalled mistaking a fallen rotor blade for a lamppost before realizing the full extent of the damage.
Authorities, including Queensland Police and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, have cordoned off the surrounding streets and declared an emergency situation as they continue to investigate the cause of this devastating crash.
Cairns, known for its proximity to the Great Barrier Reef and as a major tourist hub, now faces a grim reality as the city grapples with the aftermath of this tragic accident.